In the Throne Room of Heaven

From the Inside Out

Queen Elizabeth - Westminster Abbey - London 1953

 On June 3, 1953, millions of people watched the inauguration of Queen Elizabeth II on television. Amidst much fanfare and pomp she slowly and elegantly processed down the aisle of Westminster Abbey. Behind her trailed a robe of royal purple velvet, eighteen feet long. Six maids of honor supported the weight of the magnificent train.

But even Queen Elizabeth’s grand, stately robe does not begin to compare to one mentioned in scripture:

“In the year that King Uzziah died,

I saw the Lord seated on a throne,

High and exalted,

And the train of his robe

Filled the temple.”

(Isaiah 6:1)

I have to wonder: What might the train of the Lord’s robe symbolize? Is there significance to the expansiveness of this robe? Why would Isaiah include the detail that it “filled the temple?”

A bit of research revealed interesting, heart-stirring answers.

The train of his robe: In ancient times…

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