
Monthly Archives: June 2014

Morning Story and Dilbert

Vintage Dilbert
June 30, 2014

A tennis racket has a retail price of $65.00.
It has an intrinsic value of only $2.00.
But when placed in the hands of Monica Seles, it’s worth $3,000,000 in the Australian Open.

A baseball bat has a price of $65.00.
Its intrinsic value is only $2.00.
But when it is placed in the hands of Ken Griffey, Jr., it’s worth $9,200,000 a year

A programmed computer disk will retail for $14.95.
Its intrinsic value is only $0.39.
But in the hands of Bill Gates, it’s worth $40,000,000,000 according to Forbes Magazine.

The same is true with your dreams…
in my hands they are worthless…
in your boss’ hands they are worthless…
in your children’s hands they are worthless…

But in your hands the dreams are priceless…
in your hands your dreams can create something new, they can design a new life, they can help someone in need and they can create a new world!


By Conway Stone