
Monthly Archives: January 2015

Richard's Watch

Detail from Eagle-eyed by John Mark Long: www.propheticartists.comThe ‘sealed up’ prophecies within the Book of Daniel are coming under increasing scrutiny. This blog has relayed ripples from a couple of nuggets dropped into our hands, and we’ll consider a third in this post.

The first nugget from Freedom ARC serves as a useful introduction to the ‘sealed up’ words. It also grounds us in the vital centrality of Jesus Christ and letting Him remove every obstacle so we’re prepared for new things God is about to reveal and do.

Next, we considered the historical details of how the prophet Daniel’s visions remained sealed and their relevance to current and likely events, as in the ‘Four Signposts’ theory of Mark Davidson.

Now, let’s dig deeper into those scriptures with Nelson Walters’ introductory thoughts from Why Is No One Talking?. His insights warrant re-posting in full:


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