I Belong

Morning Story and Dilbert

Vintage Dilbert
June 4, 2002

Bishop John Reed of Sydney, Australia, was preaching in Christ Church Cathedral one Sunday when a 75-year-old woman named Ethel Hatfield got saved. Mrs. Hatfield had attended that Anglican church for decades, but the message had never gotten through to her until that day. The following day she came to see Bishop Reed and said, “I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited about what happened. I want to do something to serve God with the few years I have left. I was wondering if I could teach Sunday School.”

Bishop Reed looked at this 75-year-old, white-haired lady and just couldn’t picture her controlling the rambunctious third or fourth grade kids. So he said, “I’m sorry, but we don’t have an opening in our Sunday School.” Her face fell. Bishop Reed said, “You mean business, don’t you? I don’t know what kind of service God may have for you, but let’s pray.” So they prayed for God to reveal His will for her.

The next day Mrs. Hatfield was out in her yard tending her roses when a Chinese student from Taiwan walked by. He stopped and complimented her on her roses and they began to talk. She thought, “He seems like a decent chap; I’ll invite him in for a spot of tea.” So she did and she told him her testimony. He found it an interesting story, so when he had to leave he asked if he could come back and talk further. She said, “Yes, and please bring a friend.”

He came back and brought a friend and she again shared how she had come to put her faith in Jesus Christ after all these years and how Christ had forgiven her sin and given her eternal life. These students came back and brought more friends, who brought even more. Within two weeks, Mrs. Hatfield was leading a weekly Bible study with 70 Chinese students in attendance! She led many of them to personal faith in Jesus Christ. That which seemed a hindrance to Mrs. Hatfield’s serving the Lord–her age–God turned into the key to reaching a group of people who respect old age!

Author Unknown - Please comment if you know the Author
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  1. mtetar said:

    Amen!!! Age doesn’t matter, and with God all things are possible Matthew 19: 26. Be Blessed, Mtetar


  2. so inspiring. a good start to my upcoming weekend leadership conference.


  3. What an inspiring message, we are never too old to be saved. Never too old to be useful in his praise.


  4. Reblogged this on Christian Warrior and commented:
    I love this, Gos can always find a use for you no matter what.
    Father I pray that you will continue to use me day by day.


  5. Patty O said:

    Excellent story! God is amazing…and certainly works in mysterious ways. Had it not been for my health issues over this last year, I would have never started blogging and I would have never found you!


  6. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing Kenny. Thank God its not about our age or ability or qualifications but he qualifies us to do his work.
    Grace and peace to you . Tehila


  7. Reblogged this on declaringhispower and commented:
    So Good to know that its not about our qualifications or age, God qualifies us for the work of the kingdom.


  8. This proves you’re never too young or too old to be used by God. If you’re willing to be a humble vessel, God will find you a niche where you can best serve Him.


  9. "Working for Christ" said:

    Great story, Kenny T! So, there is hope for an old codger like me. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Dave


    • And there may be a niche for me too!!!! And I remember the monkeys too…….

      Take Care my Friend and young Brother, God Bless 🙂 Kenny t


      • Be careful, Kenny…you might be dating yourself but I think you are in good company 😉 .

        My thoughts… Even though we may not realize it but very possibly (probably…definitely) in situations like this story, God had been preparing Mrs Hatfield for this moment all of her 75 years. We never know how God is going to use us — BIG SMILES 😀 . It is never too late… Take care!


  10. We Christians often spend lots of money sending missionaries to other countries. I have relatives who work with internationals at a popular university. These students are the cream of the crop sent from their countries to learn. They are the future leaders of their own country. Shouldn’t we focus on sharing the gospel to those who already have a voice in their country of origin? Couldn’t we reach more people for less money if we focus on the people God brought to us, instead of always going? I am all for going, but lets be smarter about it.


  11. I am about to turn 70, have been serving my Lord for many years, and sometimes feel God is finished with me. This story is such an encouragement, Kenny! Thank you for sharing


  12. Fantastic! Rings so true in our community. Such an encourage to the fellow Christian community


  13. Anonymous said:

    Amen, Amen and Amen!!


  14. I’m encouraged by this story about respecting old age…since I’m way up there!! Ha! Great inspirational post!


    • ….and I’m probably right there with you on that journey to Maturity!!!! LOL Take Care and God Bless 🙂 Kenny T


  15. LOVE this story. At almost 66, I am encouraged to read something that tells me to keep on going 🙂


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