A Better Person

Morning Story and Dilbert

Vintage Dilbert
November 6, 2010

As the days ticked down to my 47th birthday this year, I had to admit that I was a little melancholy. I was looking back over the years of my life and remembering every mistake that I had made, every wrong path that I had taken, and every chance for growth that I had turned my back on. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

When the day finally arrived, though, I was overwhelmed with the love I received from so many. Gifts, cards, and birthday greetings from friends filled both my mailbox and my computer. My wonderful children took me out for dinner and then surprised me with a homemade cake, a homemade card, and a homemade gift all wrapped with their love. By the end of the day my melancholy had fled and my happiness had returned. I felt truly blessed and I remembered that life is about the love you share not the mistakes you make.

I realized too that I wanted to spend the rest of my days here becoming the person that God meant for me to be. I wanted to watch more sunrises, share more smiles, and spread more love. I wanted to fill my life with acts of kindness and moments of joy. I wanted to give my children wise words, kind thoughts, huge hugs, gentle kisses, loving laughter, and endless happiness. I wanted to help others every chance I could and in every way I could. I wanted to know that when I finally step out of this body and cross the threshold to Heaven that I would be taking a lifetime of love with me.

You too can become a better person each and everyday of your life. There is no greater adventure than to become the person God meant for you to be. There is nothing better than being a blessing to everyone around you. There is nothing more wonderful than to live all your days here in love, growing younger on the inside even as you grow older on the outside.

By Joseph J. Mazzella
  1. Yes, that happened to me too. Yet at the same time, all those steps got us here. And here is good. Happy birthday beloved!


  2. Thank you for the reminder, Kenny, that filling our days with such positive activity (loving, helping, encouraging, spreading good cheer, etc.) is the most fulfilling way to live. (And we’ll have less time for negative activity that we’ll only regret later anyway!)


  3. Adam P. said:

    You´re an inspiration. More people should be out there realizing what life is truly about. To stay positive even though sometimes it looks like everything´s going to fall into pieces. And by the way, happy birthday to you.


  4. ricklittreal said:

    Time goes by so quickly. I’m 38 and cannot believe that so many years have already ticked by. While we should not dwell on past failure and live in regret, it is important to look hard at our life to see if we are living such that we will leave a good and godly legacy for our family and others we leave behind. We only get to do this once.

    Great post, thanks for sharing!


  5. I wanted to know that when I finally step out of this body and cross the threshold to Heaven that I would be taking a lifetime of love with me >> More importantly, I want to know that I would be leaving a lifetime of love with those who knew me.


  6. Patty O said:

    We must be kindred spirits at heart. I, too, turn 47 (this week) and I, too, have been reflecting on my life. I recently went through a terrible flashback and had to conquer (report) the abuse, in the hopes he could no longer abuse others. That all aside, I’ve had a reflective year of combating health issues while helping family members through their own. I find great joy in helping others – I find great joy in seeing the wonder in children’s eyes – and I find great joy in admiring the beauty of nature and the wonder of the goodness in others that God has placed in my life. God bless you and God bless your blog, (and Happy Birthday!)


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