The Gift of Self

Morning Story and Dilbert

Vintage Dilbert
May 9, 2001

Once there was a wise king who cared for his people so much that he wanted to know how they lived. He dressed himself in rags and, night after night, sat with a poor man who lived alone under a bridge. There they’d share dinner that they scavenged from a garbage dump nearby. Soon, the poor man looked forward to the evenings because of the stranger’s company.

One night, the king decided to finally reveal his true identity. In full regalia, he went with the royal entourage to visit the poor man. ”What do you want to ask of me?” inquired the benevolent ruler. He expected the man to ask for wealth or a decent home or a place of privilege in the king’s court. Instead, the poor man replied, “You’ve showered others with your wealth, but to me, you’ve given yourself!”

Author unknown - Please Comment if you know the author
 so credit can be given


  1. Divva on a mission said:

    And that is what is truly expected of us… Great post.


  2. klovax said:

    I am sorry. . . Usually if something can be found online I can find it, but I dedicated quite a bit of time to find the author and I couldn’t. I believe the author truly is lost in time. Nevertheless it is a great story and I am glad to be reading it again. I will try to remember this.


  3. Reminds me of another King who gave himself to his people. 😉
    Only in his case, the gift of himself was wealth beyond measure.
    Reminds of that line from a hymn, “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold…”
    Great reminder of the wealth that Jesus continues to shower on us.
    Be blessed, Kenny T!


  4. This is a good reality check for how we pray. Do our prayers merely consist of petitions and requests? (of course, we ought to do this because God is the Provider). But, do we, in our prayers, also take the time to praise Him and say “Thank you, Lord, for giving yourself to me.”


  5. I love this! I have been pondering today on my blog Bourbontea how I can help a poor man that I have recently struck up a friendship with. I want to do more for him but don’t lnow what he would need the most. You have reminded me it is the gift of just being ourselves and being kind that provides the most joy 🙂


    • Just being there is sometimes the best gift of all. A close friend of mine lost his father when we were just out of high school. I went to see him at the visitation at his home. A lot of his family was there. We went for a ride in the country and didn’t say much….. twenty years later he told me how much he appreciated me being there. Kenny T 🙂


      • You are so right and it is easy to forget the power we have to change people’s lives positively just by being there. I find it easy to underestimate my worth and think I have to do something big and obvious. That is a beautiful story about your close friend and he sure is lucky to have you by his side – thank you for sharing. Kat


  6. Dilbert is so funny today. I am so tired today from doing yard work, I think I might be able to impersonate a dead person.


  7. The gift of the person themselves is so much better than anything else they could give. Thank you for such a heartwarming reminder.


  8. Sounds like a heart story–he gave of the heart. 🙂 Warm fuzzy to you, Kenny! Take care! 😀


  9. Eileen said:

    Visiting in nursing homes reminds me over and over that I cannot fix people or life, but I can sit at the foot of their cross with them.


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