The Wise Woman’s Stone

Morning Story and Dilbert

Vintage Dilbert
January 16, 2013

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.

“I’ve been thinking,” he said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.”

Author Unknown - Please comment if you know the author
 so credit can be given
  1. restingintheword said:

    Excellent and worth tucking away somewhere!


  2. ohhhoney said:

    shared it with a few people I know. I like the meaning beneath this message. 🙂


  3. Debbie said:

    I didn’t see that coming! Thanks for sharing!


  4. Wow! When we can learn this lesson we have truly learned what it means to give from the heart freely with no reservation and wanting nothing in return and with no attachments (acknowledgements and thank yous). With so many in the world seeking wealth, fame, and fortune over all else this is a difficult lesson to learn. Wow! A great one! Take care! 😀


  5. **Powerful message. Beautiful surprise ending. Thank you for sharing this life lesson…


  6. Amen! That’s a wonderful lesson on how what’s on the inside is more important than what’s on the outside.


  7. I would like to “like” this about a hundred times! Generosity and wisdom–an unbeatable combination. I copied this, and I bet is will appear in the content of a future blog. Wow, Wow, Wow. To top that, the message in Dilbert about change was thought provoking as well.


    • The ending on this story just reached out and grabbed my heart!!! Take Care and God Bless 🙂 Kenny T


  8. Amazing how much more important the nonquantifiables are than the quantifiable pieces of our lives


  9. I’ve heard this before, love it, and am so happy to be reminded of it. Thank you.


  10. Sandy said:

    Beautiful story – a good one to remember always!


  11. First I laughed out loud. Then I read the story twice. When I remember that all I have is God’s, I am more likely to see the greater need of others.


  12. donna said:

    I love this, I shared it on my Facebook page, I hope some of my friends read it and grasp its deeper meaning. As we grow in Christ-likeness we are able to give as He did, freely and without reservation or expectation. Sacrificial giving is a joy!

    Thank you for liking one of my posts, I will be following your blog from now on for more inspirational stories 🙂


  13. Lyn said:

    Oh wow, I so love this post! It may be short and seemingly simple, but it is profound in its truth.


  14. I like this story and elaborated on it on my Blog I brought out the hidden meaning on this story there are two


  15. MrTheKidd said:

    Boom! I want THAT


  16. I have found here at Word Press many are giving from their heart, words of wisdom, to be loved by others and shared, as it grows from the smallest of seeds into the great tree, this is a very wealthy place I have found, and I am so glad for this place in peoples hearts. A stones throw never flies alone.


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